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The Goddess Process shows men and women how to live a more fulfilling life. How to get more out of their relationships. How to find more inner peace. How to really just let go. The Goddess Process shows us HOW to do WHAT spiritual teachings teaches us. If you are enthusiastic about this project? Please share it with others. You too can become a Goddess Process Ambassador, all you have to do is share this message with your network and ask others to vote!
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Friday, April 16, 2010

The world is but a mirror of our consciousness

Imagine your mother always criticizing you. Imagine your husband refusing to make love to you or your boss finding fault with all you say or do....

What will you do when your outer experience tries to tell you, you are worthless, unlovable, wrong, no good, etc?
  1. Will you buy into it, believe it to be true because others tell you so?
  2. Will you refuse to believe in it, yet feel victimized by a cruel universe that has singled you out to dump on?
  3. Will you alienate your so called abusers and angrily cut them out of your life?
  4. Will you set out on a impossible journey of convincing the outside world of your worth and lovableness?
What can you do? What will help you brake through the illusions that you and the people in your life are playing?

Do you want to have the key to end the drama in your life? The answer is simply phrased, yet a challenge to implement in your life. Your outer reality is but a reflection of your inner unconscious thoughts. Your so called abusers are but a mirror of the lies you hold true about yourself at a deep unconscious level. The key to end all drama in your life is to realize that you can use these situations, these people and the pain that is triggered in you, to heal yourself once and for all of these thoughts and beliefs that sabotage your life.

What we hold true about ourselves is what we manifest in our lives. We can choose to stay angry with others and unforgiving for the pain we perceive them to have inflicted upon us or we can forgive and move on. Choosing for the latter is our ticket to freedom. Holding on to our anger, our rage, our hatred and indignation, will do nothing for us, except keep us bound to people and situations that will let us relive the same pain, the same unfairness we perceive, the same experiences and wrongings ....over and over and over again. This is how we create our own personal Hell, by clenching to our pain and clenching to our idea of victimization.

How then do we create Heaven? By receiving the gifts these people and situations have come to bring us. By embracing the pain and allowing it to lead us to our wounds. Our own screaming wounds that have simply been touched by the other, never created by the other.

The book I am writing, The Goddess Process, gives you a 7 step diagram to use your outer reality as a means to heal yourself.I have made a video about this process and it can be watched at

If you like this message please vote for the Goddess Process and tell your friends about it. The more we can spread this healing message, the more women and men can step into their authentic power.

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